THE OBAMA-CLINTON ADMINISTRATION authorized the sending of $500M* [US Taxpayers' Dollars] to the Palestinian Authority [PA]-HAMAS [Palestinian Branch, Muslim-Brotherhood]*. Interestingly, at the end of this US Taxpayer Dollars' money funnel-from DC to the GAZA Strip, the Islamic Republic of IRAN is materially supporting PA-HAMAS with $10Ms* and rockets=> In turn, PA-HAMAS is dropping those rockets on ISRAEL [approximately, 5,000-10,000 since 2005].
Based on the OBAMA-CLINTON Timeline: $500Ms + Rockets=PA-HAMAS + 5 Iranian Quds Force Leaders Released + Bergdahl Swap for 5 Afghan Taliban + $1.5B-US Taxpayers' Dollars & F-16 Jet Fighters=Morsi's Egypt...plus [Statistically Significant] OBAMA-CLINTON CRIME FAMILY MODEL [O-C CFM]:
Fraudulent Selective Service Registration Card=[See Below, PART 2 Blog]**=
OBAMA+OBAMA STATE DEPT=Hillary CLINTON, Secretary of State=[ILLEGAL-UNAPPROVED] HOME SERVER [See Below, Part 5 and Part 6 Blogs]**=ROGUE Intelligence Agency +
[Memorandum of Understanding: signed by Valerie Jarrett & Bill Clinton]=[See Below, PART 2 Blog]**+
CLINTON FOUNDATION, Former President, Bill CLINTON, Founder,<=$105,000 Donation<=Islamic Republic of IRAN [World's Largest State Sponsor of Terror]=IRAN's ALAVI Foundation + 650 5th Case [See Below, Part 3 Blog]**=
Islamic Republic of IRAN [World's Largest State Sponsor of Terror]=>Over $1.4Mil Donation=>Omar Abdel Rahman=BLIND SHEIK'S MOSQUE [See Below, PART 4 Blog]**
In the courtroom of American Public Opinion, we can begin to formulate [in-all-likelihood and in-all-probability] the following conclusions: The Obama-Clinton Administration is a criminal enterprise-OBAMA-CLINTON Crime Family Model. In addition, we can [conceivably] begin to explore the possibility that the OBAMA-CLINTON Crime Family=[Materially Supporting-$$$, Weapons, Training, & Human Assets] is 'FRONTING for RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR'-Home and Abroad!?
Apparently, Obama & Palestinian Authority-Hamas Leader, Mahmoud Abbas, appear to be Very Happy---I wonder WHY!?
*[ (1) Obama-Clinton Administration Unblocks $500M in Funding for PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY-HAMAS: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2013/03/23/obama-admin-unblocks-500m-palestinians/
(2) Iran is spending $$$Billions on Radical Islamic Global Terrorism: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/private-government-report-iran-spending-billions-to-pay-terrorist-salaries/
(3) Hamas is using Iranian Rockets to attack Israel: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/israeli-ambassador-hamas-using-iranian-rockets-to-attack-israel/ , and
(4) HAMAS-Palestinian Branch of Muslim-Brotherhood: https://www.nctc.gov/site/groups/hamas.html ]
**[Please Refer to the following Blogs for more Information:
Part 1: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Hillary Clinton's Server in the Basement of Her House!?', May 4, 2016 Blog,
Part 2 Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Who is Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Hussein Obama!?', May 12, 2016 Blog,
Part 3: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, '650 5th Ave Case: The Cornerstone of the Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model', May 23rd, 2016 Blog,
Part 4: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Blind Sheik: The Father of Radical Islamic Terror in America!?', June 2nd, 2016 Blog,
Part 5: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Inspector General Report: Hillary Clinton's Server is illegal-unapproved!?', June 3rd, 2016 Blog
Part 6: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'How doesn't Hillary Clinton not know that her Home Server is ILLEGAL!?, June 9th, 2016 Blog
Part 7: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'The Obama-Clinton Administration released 5 Iranian Quds Force Leaders in Irbil, Iraq!?', June 16, 2016 Blog
Part 8: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Adminstration released 5 Radical Islamists to Qatar for a Deserter!?', June 23, 2016 Blog
Part 9: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Adminstration sends $$$ and F-16 Jet Fighters to Morsi's Egypt!?, June 24, 2016 Blog]