For all attentive purposes, the P5+1 Countries [China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, + Germany]=> Iran Nuke Deal Meetings did happen and the Iranian Nuke Deal was approved by US Congress...Yet, there are still many lingering questions about the Iranian Nuke Deal!?....Too many for such a major accord!?...so is this Iranian Nuke Deal-Real or Fake!?
'PRELIMINARY FINDINGS'-IRANIAN NUKE DEAL [A 'More-Streamlined-Findings' Update to follow]:
(1) Weekly Standard’s Lee Smith* claims:
(a) ‘If North Korea has the bomb, then for all practical purposes Iran does, too. [Tabletmag,com]’
(b) ‘Iran obtained 19 of the missiles from North Korea, according to a cable dated Feb. 24 of this year. The cable is a detailed, highly classified account of a meeting between top Russian officials and an American delegation led by Vann H. Van Diepen, an official with the State Department’s nonproliferation division who, as a national intelligence officer several years ago, played a crucial role in the 2007 assessment of Iran’s nuclear capacity. [New York Times]
(c) ‘Iran and North Korea have signed an agreement to cooperate in science and technology, Iranian media reported on Saturday, and Iran's supreme leader declared that the two countries had "common enemies." [Reuters]’
(d) ‘A former Iranian diplomat, West Defector, Mohamad Reza Heydari [resigned from his post as Iranian Consul in Norway] says he saw North Korean technicians "repeatedly" travel to Iran, which Western officials fear is trying to develop nuclear weapons. In addition, the Iranian Defector said he's "certain" the cooperation is continuing between his home country and North Korea. [Scotland's National Newspaper]’
(e) ‘Officials from [KMDT] Korea Mining Development Trading Corp [sanctioned by the U.S. and the United Nations since 2009-over its suspected arms trade] visited Iran…[Additionally] KMDT is known as North Korea's primary arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons…[english.yonhapnews.co.kr]’
(2) FrontPage Mag's Daniel Greenfield* claims:
(a) 'For one thing the whole "moderate" Iranian government vs. the hardliners nonsense that we're seeing in the media was a lie manufactured to sell the deal. [FrontPage Mag]'
(b) 'Obama CIA Director Leon Panetta’s analysis when he ran the agency that the Iranian regime was meaningfully divided between “hard-line” and “moderate” camps...“No,” Panetta answers. “There was not much question that the Quds Force and the supreme leader ran that country with a strong arm, and there was not much question that this kind of opposing view could somehow gain any traction.” [FrontPage Mag]'
(c) 'It was the ongoing obsession of the administration with "reorienting" American foreign policy to make deals with the enemy in order to weaken us, strengthen them and prevent us and our allies from being able to check their aggression. They tried it with Sunni Islamists and failed. So they moved on to the Shiite Islamists of Iran. [FrontPage Mag] '
[Read More Below]
(3) Washington Free Beacon's Bill Gertz* claims:
(a) 'Iranian Missile technicians secretly visited North Korea as part of a joint development of a new rocket booster for long-range missiles or space launchers at the same time nuclear talks took place in Geneva...[Washington Free Beacon]'
(b) 'Several groups of technicians from the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group, a unit in charge of building Iran’s liquid-fueled missiles, traveled to Pyongyang during the past several months, including as recently as late October, to work on the new, 80-ton rocket booster being developed by the North Koreans, according to officials familiar with intelligence reports...a new long-range missile or space launch vehicle that could be used to carry nuclear warheads, and could be exported to Iran in the future. [Washington Free Beacon]'
Thus, based on the 'Above' Preliminary Findings-Iranian Nuke Deal, we can sense and understand the cynicism around this deal. Whether we can know or not really know and/or believe or not believe that Iran has Nukes or not...and/or whether North Korea is enabling Iran to become nuclear, we may state [with much confidence] that preventing Iran-North Korea from nuclear proliferation...is a daunting undertaking=>
Yet, this open-ended, ongoing 'yearly' negotiation of this Iranian Nuke Deal can be severely questioned ...and it may not be worth the paper-it was written on! Therefore, [Based on the 'Above'-Preliminary Findings & 'Below'-13 Part Series, Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model] we can construe [in-all-likelihood & in-all-probability]=> This Iranian Nuke Deal maybe [conceivably] FAKE!!! And instead... maybe a FRONT for something much more SINISTER...STAY TUNED!!!
*[ Preliminary Findings-Iranian Nuke Deal, 'Footnotes':
(1) Weekly Standard's Lee Smith: (a) 'Why Iran Already Has the Bomb', http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/124222/why-iran-already-has-the-bomb via @tabletmag,
(b) Iran Armed by North Korea http://nyti.ms/2aLfZNw ,
(c) Iran, North Korea agree to cooperate in science, technology http://reut.rs/QauV8f via @Reuters,
(d) Scotland's National Paper, 'Iranian Defector, Mohammad Reza Haydari reveals secret trips to Iran by North Korean nuclear experts', http://www.scotsman.com/news/defector-reveals-secret-trips-to-iran-by-north-korean-nuclear-experts-1-837444 ,
(e) 'Korea Mining Development Trading Corp. visits Iran after U.N. slaps sanctions', http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/news/2016/03/28/0200000000AEN20160328009400315.html?input=www.twitter.com ,
(2) FrontPageMag's Daniel Greenfield: (a) New York Times: Iran Nuclear Deal was Based on a Lie http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/262759/new-york-times-iran-nuclear-deal-was-based-lie-daniel-greenfield#.V5l5TKT8jTE.twitter
(3) Washington Free Beacon's Bill Gertz: (a) Iran, North Korea Secretly Developing New Long-Range Rocket Booster for ICBMs https://shar.es/1Zqk50 via @sharethis ,
(b) The Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group (SHIG) is responsible for Iran's ballistic programs: http://www.nti.org/learn/facilities/285/ ]
**[Please Refer to the 13 Part Series, Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model Blogs:
Part 1: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Hillary Clinton's Server in the Basement of Her House!?', May 4, 2016 Blog,
Part 2 Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Who is Barry Soetoro, aka, Barack Hussein Obama!?', May 12, 2016 Blog,
Part 3: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, '650 5th Ave Case: The Cornerstone of the Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model', May 23rd, 2016 Blog,
Part 4: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Blind Sheik: The Father of Radical Islamic Terror in America!?', June 2nd, 2016 Blog,
Part 5: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Inspector General Report: Hillary Clinton's Server is illegal-unapproved!?', June 3rd, 2016 Blog
Part 6: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'How doesn't Hillary Clinton not know that her Home Server is ILLEGAL!?, June 9th, 2016 Blog
Part 7: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'The Obama-Clinton Administration released 5 Iranian Quds Force Leaders in Irbil, Iraq!?', June 16, 2016 Blog
Part 8: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Administration released 5 Radical Islamists + $5B to Qatar for a Deserter, Bergdahl!?', June 23, 2016 Blog
Part 9: Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Administration sends $$$1.5B and F-16 Jet Fighters to Morsi's Egypt!?, June 24, 2016 Blog
Part 10, Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Administration sends $500M to Palestinian Authority-HAMAS!?, June 27th, 2016 Blog
Part 11, Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Administration sends $500M to an Iranian Front, Syria!?', June 29th, 2016 Blog
Part 12, Obama-Clinton Crime Family Model, 'Obama-Clinton Administration materially supports the AL QAEDA-Affiliate, 'Libyan Islamic Fighting Group', for the Gahdafi Coup D'tat-the Benghazi Precursor, July, 8th, 2016 Blog
Part 13, Obama-Clinton Crime family Model, Obama-Clinton Administration fronted for Radical Islamists, Ansar AL-Sharia =equals= Iran's Quds Force, of the Benghazi Attack & the killing of 4 Americans, July 22nd, 2016]